National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly > Product Theater Presentations

Product Theater Presentations

All presentations take place in COBO Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 133#.

HIV and the Body: Long-Term Health

Sunday, August 2, 2015, 6:00 – 6:45pm

Presented by:

Derrick Butler, MD, MPH
Associate Medical Director, To Help Everyone Clinic, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA

Ronald Jefferson, MD
Physician Specialist, OASIS Clinic, Los Angeles, CA

HIV and the Body: Long-Term Health explores the impact of HIV-related and traditional risk factors in the development of comorbidities in HIV-positive patients. The program details the role of these drivers in cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, bone disease, and neurological disorders. A review of guidelines for the management of these conditions in HIV-positive patients will be included in the discussion.

Supported by: Gilead Sciences

An Individualized Approach to the Treatment of Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

Monday, August 3, 2015, 11:15am – 12:00pm

Presented by:

James Gavin, MD
Emory University School of Medicine
Fayetteville, GA.

This program will cover the following topics regarding a sodium-glucose co-transporter (SGLT) inhibitor: the role of the kidney in regulation of hyperglycemia in T2DM, the mechanism of action – mediated inhibition of SGLT2 in the proximal convoluted tubule of the kidney, key efficacy and safety data from active-controlled clinical trials, Important Safety Information, question and answer session. This promotional educational activity is sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. It is not certified for continuing medical education.

Supported by:  Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

A New COPD Treatment to Help Improve Lung Function in Patients With COPD

Monday, August 3, 2015,12:30 – 1:15pm

Presented by:

Alvin V. Thomas, Jr., MD, FACP, FCCP
Chief, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Howard University Hospital
Washington, DC

Have a patient with COPD? Come and learn about a new treatment that can help improve lung function in your patients with COPD. A speaker will review the efficacy and safety data for a new COPD treatment as well as demonstrate the proper use of the inhaler that delivers the medication.

Supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

The Effect of a Once-Weekly Therapy on A1C and Weight Over 3 Years

Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 11:15am – 12:00pm

Presented by:

James Gavin, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Fayetteville, GA

This program will present clinical data for GLP-1, a component used to improve blood sugar (glucose) in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Program attendees will be educated on the following target objectives, which are used to discuss the rationale for the use of GLP-1 in adult patients with T2DM:

  1. Review key clinical data for GLP-1
  2. Understand the rationale for the use of GLP-1 in adult patients with T2DM
  3. Discuss key efficacy and safety data from active-controlled clinical trials
  4. Present product Important Safety Information (ISI)

Supported by:  AstraZeneca

Access to Medicines and the Importance of Innovation for All Patients

Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Presented by:

Dr. Bill Chin
Executive Vice President, Science & Regulatory Affairs, PhRMA

Dr. Bill Chin will provide an overview of PhRMA, the trade association of more than 28 biopharmaceutical research member companies based in Washington, DC and discuss the challenges and successes for the pharmaceutical industry.  With the ongoing debate around cost of medicines, it is important to keep the value of medicines message in mind, which often gets lost, especially in the media, when the focus is almost exclusively on cost.  Dr. Chin will look at the larger picture of healthcare cost in the United States over the past few years and discuss the enormous progress that our industry has made in developing lifesaving medicines that reduces healthcare cost over time, as well as improving lives of patients.

Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall will discuss the advances that Pfizer has made in developing new treatments that have contributed to the overall reduction of hospitalizations, emergency room admissions and other costly interventions.  She will talk about the importance of access to medicines for all patients, regardless of socioeconomic background or insurance coverage and will provide her perspective on what needs to be done in the policy and clinical arena for future progress.

Brian Hujdich, Executive Director of HealthHIV, will highlight barriers for patient coverage and the implications on health and quality of life for the patient and their families.  Mr. Hujdich, a strong patient advocate, will talk about positive changes in pharmaceutical treatments for HIV over the past 10 years and how it has turned this condition from an acute disease with potential death to a chronic disease that allows patients to live productive, healthy and full lives.

READ: The Five Essential Truths About Prescription Drug Spending

Interactive Q&A of Panel & Closing

Supported by: PhRMA


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About NMA

The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. NMA is committed to improving the quality of health among minorities and disadvantaged people through its membership, professional development, community health education, advocacy, research and partnerships with federal and private agencies.


It gives me a chance to network with other physicians who share my goals and the challenges I face working towards decreasing health disparities. As the Co-Director of the Rabb-Venable Excellence in Research Program, I also look forward each year to meeting with the youngest generation of underrepresented minority residents and medical students to join our community. In addition to mentoring the new ophthalmologists, I coordinate the Eye Education Program and free screenings with AAO and the Ophthalmology section for NMA attendees and the community.

– Mildred M.G. Olivier, M.D.