National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly > Auxiliary to the National Medical Association

Auxiliary to the National Medical Association

Virtual Convention Activities

In support of the Auxiliary’s Medical And Nursing School Student Scholarships and Health Education Outreach Activities

Please join us in a Celebration with a Purpose


Annual ANMA/NMA Prayer Breakfast and Memorial Service

Sunday, July 18, 2021 at 9:30 am EST.

The Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, July 18, 2021, from 9:30 am until 11:00 am EST, is designed to invoke the presence of God at the conventions of the National Medical Association (NMA) and the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association (ANMA). This is a time to encourage and pay tribute those who’ve transitioned in the previous year. This year’s program will feature the euphonious sounds of Ms. Kendall Isadore and The Christian Unity Baptist Church. The dynamic Pastor Kevin Stephens, M.D. will bring forth an enlightening sermon focusing on the good work of both the NMA and ANMA. This service is a perfect environment to charge the members of the ANMA and NMA with joining with the faith community in addressing health.


Sunday, July 18, 2021 7:00 – 8:30 P. M. EST
Featuring: Kendall Isadore and String Queens, Auction, Mixologist and Tributes to Living Legends Alice Davis, Laura Tompkins and Mae Walton

You will be engaged in a wonderful experience as you live through an elegant evening of pure pleasure and excitement. We wlll begin with a musical selection by one of America’s most talented violinists, Kendall Isadore, followed by examples of ‘was is’ and ‘can be’ for many women in America, as we learn about the contributions of three talented members of the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association. Not only were they the signatories of ANMA’s Articles of Incorporation, but they also made outstanding contributions to improving the lives of many individuals. They have provided an indelible imprint in community service. Following our tribute to them, we will proceed to a REAL LIVE AUCTION, where you may bid on that trip that you’ve always wanted or the piece of jewelry that is unforgettable. As we transition from one activity to another, we will be facilitated in preparing a cocktails and ‘mocktails’ from a well-recognized Mixologist. Finally, we will experience a memorable mini-concert from Kendall Isadore and the String Queens.  Come prepared to have a GREAT EVENING WITH THE AUXILIARY.

Getty Museum and National Portrait Gallery Tours

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 7:30 – 9:00 P.M. EST
Please join us for an amazing virtual museum tour featuring African American Artists at world-renown museums: The Getty (Los Angeles) and The National Portrait Gallery (Washington, DC)
Docent – Pia Williams

Special Performance by Singer-Songwriter, Otis Kane. 

Just think of the possibilities as you tour two world class museums, The Getty in Los Angeles, CA and the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, all in one day, and in the comfort of your own home. While on this amazing tour, you will be able to see the ‘Mary Seacole Bust’, and hear her incredible story. As the tour moves from West Coast to the East, we will learn about, Kehinde Wiley, who is the first African-American artist commissioned to paint the official portrait of a U.S. President. We will also enjoy the music of Singer-Songwriter, Otis Kane, who will deliver two of his most popular recordings.
This tour also seeks to enlighten and to inspire curiosity, and understanding of the visual arts, with its historical importance. It is expected that you will leave the tour feeling a greater appreciation of art and the 3R’s – relaxed, rejuvenated and restored. Sit back and enjoy the Tour with our exceptional Getty Docent, Pia Williams.

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Gala Tickets – S75
Getty Museum and National Portrait Gallery Tours – S35
Gala + Getty Museum and National Portrait Gallery Tours  –  S100

About ANMA

The Auxiliary to the National Medical Association Inc (ANMA), a 501(c)(3) corporation, consists mainly of physician spouses and represents over 25,000 African-American and multi-racial physician families from throughout the United States and the Caribbean. Established in 1936, the ANMA’s mission is to enhance the quality of health and healthcare in America’s African-American communities. The Purpose of the ANMA is to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes in the areas of health, advocacy, and healthcare. In furtherance of these purposes, the Auxiliary works to create a greater interest in the National Medical Association (NMA) and serves the public in matters of health by developing and executing national programs and activities in areas such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke, opioids, HIV/AIDS, women’s health, drug use and abuse, asthma, smoking cessation, immunization, traffic safety, breastfeeding – all in an effort to eliminate the health divide between people of color and the majority population in the United States. Over the years, ANMA has established several enduring, flagship programs, including Project SUN/Youth Forum, National African American Youth Initiative Scholars Program (NAAYI), and the Healthy Children’s Program. Also, ANMA has provided scholarship assistance for medical and nursing school students enrolled in institutions of higher education and professional schools throughout the country. The Auxiliary to the National Medical Association is committed to continuing its legacy of supporting the efforts of the National Medical Association.


What is happening when; and who will be there? Get the latest up-to-date information on how to register for the convention and attend all your favorite events this year.

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The National Medical Association (NMA) attracts leading African American physicians, physician executives, podiatrists, health professionals, academicians, and scientists from across the country each year to its annual conference.

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About the National Medical Association

About NMA

The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. NMA is committed to improving the quality of health among minorities and disadvantaged people through its membership, professional development, community health education, advocacy, research and partnerships with federal and private agencies.


It gives me a chance to network with other physicians who share my goals and the challenges I face working towards decreasing health disparities. As the Co-Director of the Rabb-Venable Excellence in Research Program, I also look forward each year to meeting with the youngest generation of underrepresented minority residents and medical students to join our community. In addition to mentoring the new ophthalmologists, I coordinate the Eye Education Program and free screenings with AAO and the Ophthalmology section for NMA attendees and the community.

– Mildred M.G. Olivier, M.D.