National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly > Exhibit/Sponsorship


The National Medical Association (NMA) attracts leading African American physicians, physician executives, podiatrists, health professionals, academicians, and scientists from across the country each year to its annual conference. We offer exhibitors a targeted audience not only in primary care, but twenty-six specialties from aerospace medicine to women’s health. NMA’s extensive member and prospect lists receive regular emails with information about the conference.


What is happening when; and who will be there? Get the latest up-to-date information on how to register for the convention and attend all your favorite events this year.

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The National Medical Association (NMA) attracts leading African American physicians, physician executives, podiatrists, health professionals, academicians, and scientists from across the country each year to its annual conference.

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About the National Medical Association

About NMA

The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. NMA is committed to improving the quality of health among minorities and disadvantaged people through its membership, professional development, community health education, advocacy, research and partnerships with federal and private agencies.


The scientific sessions provide excellent information on advances in my specialty in an environment conducive to discussing special practice issues important for my patients. Spontaneous engagement and discussions with physicians and other healthcare professionals with similar patient demographics further enhances my learning and engagement during the NMA conference.

– Roland Matthews, M.D.