National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly > Virtual Camp NMA-zing

Virtual Camp NMA-zing

Aloha Camp NMA-Zing ‘Ohana,

As we continue to navigate through these anxious times, we hold strong in our belief that we will emerge from the challenges ahead of us, together as one. In Hawaii, this feeling of unity and support is rooted in our ‘ohana or family, and it is something that helps us persevere through difficult times. After 17 years of proudly providing Camp NMA-Zing for the National Medical Association, we think of you as our ‘Ohana.

Camp NMA-Zing 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19. Although we will not see you in Atlanta this year, Kama`aina Kids would like the kids to connect with their fellow campers by participating in a coloring sheet challenge. Please ask your child(ren) to color this sheet and add their own message of hope to their Camp NMA-Zing friends. Scan and email all completed work with child’s name, state and date to Yolanda Fleming at yfleming@nmanet.org by July 20, 2020. All messages and artwork will be compiled to share with our Camp ‘Ohana, so that kids can feel connected to their special camp friends.

Virtual Tours

We carefully planned for Camp NMA-Zing 2020 in Atlanta. Since we will not be able to visit the attractions in person, please help your child explore virtual visits to excursion sites by clicking on the links below:

We will be thinking of our Camp NMA-Zing ‘Ohana this summer. We wish you and family all the best in health and happiness.

A Hui Hou Kakou, ‘Until We Meet Again’,


What is happening when; and who will be there? Get the latest up-to-date information on how to register for the convention and attend all your favorite events this year.

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The National Medical Association (NMA) attracts leading African American physicians, physician executives, podiatrists, health professionals, academicians, and scientists from across the country each year to its annual conference.

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About the National Medical Association

About NMA

The National Medical Association (NMA) is the collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. NMA is committed to improving the quality of health among minorities and disadvantaged people through its membership, professional development, community health education, advocacy, research and partnerships with federal and private agencies.


The NMA Convention is a unique and empowering gathering of African Americans physicians and others of color in the health care fields. Because the NMA consists of multiple disciplines I am able to update in my field of Pediatrics as well as in other areas that are important for my own health and wellness! I am able to participate in substantive policy and political strategy discussions as well as reunion time with classmates and colleagues. Additionally it’s an opportunity to mentor students and residents of color. It is the one medical conference that I will continue to attend even when I retire from the clinical practice of Medicine.

– Michal A. Young M.D.